Wong Press

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✪ Cory Wong’s signature Press pedal featuring his personal specs

✪ True Bypass

✪ 4 in 1 functionality (volume, expression, wah, volume/wah) 

✪ New dual-color STATUS LED strip indicating pedal mode and position in real time 

✪ Cory’s custom volume curve and wah Q control

✪ Classic-voiced wah tone with flexible tonal range

✪ Active volume design for keeping lossless tone 

✪ Separate tuner and expression outputs for more connection possibilities 

✪ 9V DC or 9V battery power supply



Pot Resistance (EXP OUT): 10kΩ

Input Impedance: 1MΩ

Output Impedance: 100Ω Wah Range Selector (TONE):   

• WARM—290Hz to 1.4kHz  

• CLASSIC—360Hz to 1.8kHz

Current Consumption: Max 30mA

Dimensions: 81mm (W) x 162mm (D) x 51mm (H)

Weight: 512g


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